Order Information


A collection of (partially) filled orders executed by the bot. Maximum size is 50 orders.

Syntax: GetAllFilledOrders([ positionId ])

Returns a list of OrderContainer() objects. Sorted descending on close timestamp.

Return type: Dynamic


A collection of open orders executed by the bot.

Syntax: GetAllOpenOrders([ positionId ])

Returns a list of OrderContainer() objects.

Return type: Dynamic


The reason for the order failure.

Syntax: GetFailedOrderMessage(orderId)

Returns a string with the reason for the order failure.

Return type: String


Calculates the cancelled amount if the order is completed/cancelled.

Syntax: GetOrderCancelledAmount(orderId)

Returns the cancelled amount if the order is completed/cancelled.

Return type: Number


Calculates the amount filled for a specific order.

Syntax: GetOrderFilledAmount(orderId, [ afterFees ])

Returns the amount filled for a specific order.

Return type: Number


Calculates how long an order is or has been open in minutes.

Syntax: GetOrderOpenTime(orderId, [ inSeconds ])

Returns the time the order is or has been open for in minutes.

Return type: Number


Calculates the realized profits of the order.

Syntax: GetOrderProfit(orderId)

Returns gross profits of the order.

Return type: Number


Gets all the information from an specific order.

Syntax: OrderContainer(orderId)

Returns an array with order information.

Return type: Dynamic

Last updated